Plant Pick-Up Day Information

Plant Pick-Up Day Information

Please pick up all plant orders in the gym of Eagle Elementary on Saturday, April 22, 2017! Orders will be available to pick up from 8am to 12pm. Please use the East door and parking lot for entrance. Let your customers know that at the check-in desk, orders will be alphabetized by buyer. All plant orders need to be picked up by 12pm. In addition to pre-sales, there will also be a large variety of plants to purchase that day. Once again, thank you very much for supporting the Eagle PTE.

Please consider volunteering for a shift on Saturday! We sold almost $9,000 more in plants this year and need quite a bit of help to have pick up go smoothly.

Plant Sale Numbers Are In!

Plant Sale numbers are in and we are blown away!!! This year’s total was $26,848!!! This is nearly $9,000 more than last year!

Congratulations to the winning class, Mr. Culver’s 4th grade class! They sold $3,678 and will be helping unload the plant trucks. ALL classes made their goal of selling $500 or more (12 sold over $1,000!) and now will receive a popsicle party and extra recess.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in this amazing fundraiser!! A note will be sent home next week about the April 22nd pick-up. 🌻🌷🌸🌼